American Power Conversion's
Robotic Park's Robot Competition
and First Lego League Exhibition


FLL Competition and Exhibition
Interactive Design Challenge
Animal Design Challenge
Chain Reaction Machines
Robot Rubbish Round-up
Preparing for Robotics Park
This year's robot competition will be competed on the First Lego League City Sights Competition field.

The Robotics Competition / Exhibition will consist of a Rookie Competition and a RI-FLL Exhibition for teams that competed in the RI state tournament in January.

The Rookie Competition will be a three round robotics competition for any team that did not compete in the January State Tournament. A Rookie Team is a team where neither the coach nor any of the team members competed in the RI-FLL competition. The rules of the competition will be the same as the rules of the Official FLL City Sights competition. Contact Rebekah Gendron for password information needed to access the official competition rules. The rules can be found at the FLL City Sights website.

The Rookie Competition will be an official competition with referees and competition scoring. Awards will be given to the winners of the Rookie Competition. While all teams will be encouraged to complete the Research Assignment that is part of the FLL competition there will not be any official judging of the Research Assignment or Technical Presentations.

In addition to the Rookie Competition there will be an exhibition open to all Rookie Teams as well as any team that competed in the January 2004 City Sights Competition. Each team will have one half of a 6'-0" table on which to present their robot, their research presentation, and a backboard of information about their team and work they completed. It is suggested that each team purchase a Science Fair type poster backboard for display. Suggestions for this display may include: information about the team, information about the research presentation, information about the robot and programming, pictures from FLL, Awards won, etc. In addition to the table display, each team will have a scheduled time during the day (15 minute each) where they will be able to demonstrate their robots and programs on the competition field. This demonstration will be open to the general public. If time and numbers allow, teams will be able to demonstrate more than once during the day.

Finally, there will be a couple of Pit area tables set up where teams - both Rookie and Professional can challenge each other to compete in a friendly competition when they are not displaying or exhibiting their robots.