Robotics Challenge 2002
The Challenge




Robotics Challenge
   Build the Board
   Build Object
   Build Gizmo

Most Spirited Robot Box Award
-The box that best represents the robots name, capabilities and personality
-The box that is most creative and most spirited in design

Most Creative Design Award
-The team that has designed the most creative, engaging and/or interesting robot as judged by its appearance and/or its behavior.

Best Engineered and Programmed Design Award
-The team who is judged to have built a robot with the most advanced engineering design and programming features. Judging will be based on the structural, mechanical and programming expertise demonstrated by the robotic design.

Against All Odds Award
- or "The Little Engine That Could" Award will be given to the team who has demonstrated the most tenacity in reaching their goal despite a variety of setbacks. Judging will be based on the team who took risks, maintained high spirits and persistence despite numerous problems (or as we call them problem solving opportunities).

Best Presentation Award
- The team that has demonstrated the best presentation skills including:
   -written skills submitted as their robot's description in the flyer for their challenge
   -oral skills demonstrated at Robotics Park

Robot Performance Awards
- Best Overall Performance Against Another Robot

Director's Award
Awarded to the team with the best overall with scores from all of the award categories.

Rhode Island School of the Future
Contact Info here
Copyright © 2002 RISF