Dear Teachers, Students, Parents, Family Members and Friends, We would like to invite you and your family to attend "Robotics Park", the 20th annual spring event of the Rhode Island School of the Future (RISF) and the largest K-12 robotic event in the country. Student created robotic presentations and demonstrations will be open to the public on Saturday, April 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Martin Middle School in East Providence. Touring the park is open to the public and free of charge. This annual event is our celebration event for National Science and Technology Month and a time for students, educators, parents and the community to appreciate and celebrate student inventiveness. The main activities of the day include student demonstrations from the Robotic Animal Design Challenge, the Robotic Interactive Challenge, the Chain Reaction Machine event, the Robotics Park Parade, Junior FIRST LEGO League, and the Creature Feature Feeding Frenzy. The Park events also include Lego Jewelry Design Activities. Robotics Park is filled with student designed and built robotic creations. Rhode Island students of all ages will be exhibiting an array of interesting robotic inventions that they have created in school or in after-school activities.. Students have spent a great deal of time researching, designing, building and programming robots that will be sure to delight and entertain you. Overall we expect over 150 robots, the work of hundreds of students, to be included in the 20th annual event. Demonstration animal robots will fill the Robotic Park Zoo cages and will imitate behaviors exhibited by the real animals within the confines of student created realistic environments. Interactive robots and the Creature Feature Feeding Frenzy will tickle your imagination in surprising ways.There will also be opportunities to take part in hands-on activities designed to engage visitors in the design process and an opportunity to watch our ninth annual Robotic Chain Reaction event as it is triggered throughout the day and the Robotics Park Parade as it winds it way through the gymnasium of Martin Middle School. We hope you and your family will join us for the festivities. It will be a wonderful opportunity to see the minds of our youngsters at work and to learn new things ourselves. For more information go to: See you at Robotics Park!! Sincerely, Rebekah Gendron